Your Online Security is Important to Us!
You can be confident shopping online with us because we protect and secure your personal data. For instance, utilizes a site-wide https protocol using todays most advanced encryption technology on every page of this site. This advanced technology is easily recognizable by the green colored padlock to the left of a Browser’s address bar. In
addition, this site was issued a premium GeoTrust EV SSL certificate, which is why our legal company name, Point of Sale Corner, LLC, is displayed before this site’s URL in a Brower’s address bar. Moreover, our company information was investigated and verified by GeoTrust in accordance with strict EV SSL certificate issuance standards providing optimum consumer confidence in an online company and in the security of an e-commerce site.
For additional security measures, this website is scanned for malware and other threats by McAfee SECURE to ensure consistent site safety and reliable performance.
All credit card data input on this website via the cart server is encrypted via PayPal's secure payment processing network, and we never store any of your card data on our servers for your added protection.
We have worked tirelessly to give you ultimate peace of mind and security while shopping from our site, and we look forward to exceeding your expectations.
Thank you for visiting us today,